
総合案内 > Foreign Languages > FAQ from Foreign Residents




FAQ from Foreign Residents /外国人住民からよくある質問

Contents / コンテンツ

1 Application, Registration, Certificates 1 申し込み、登録、証明書
How do I get married in Yokosuka? 結婚するには、どうしたらいいですか?
How do I get divorced in Yokosuka? 離婚するには、どうしたらいいですか?
Where do I get certificates related to the family registry? 戸籍(家族)の証明書は、どこでもらえますか?
Where do I get the Certificate of Tax Payment? 税金の証明書は、どこでもらえますか?
I am moving out. How do I stop my utility payments?


What should I do before moving-out of Yokosuka? 横須賀市から引っ越すときには、どうしたらいいですか?
2 Disposing of Garbage and Recycling 2 ごみの出し方・リサイクル
How do I apply for the collection of oversized garbage? 粗大ごみは、どうやって捨てたらいいですか?
What is considered “oversized garbage?” 「粗大ごみ」とは何ですか?
When and how do I take out the garbage? いつ、どうやって、ごみを出したらいいですか?
How do I know which day is group resource recycling day? 集団資源回収日はいつですか?
How do I dispose of household electric appliances? 家電製品は、どうやって捨てればいいですか?
3 Cars and Bikes 3 車・自転車
Where do I apply for a temporary license plate?  ・仮ナンバーは、どこでもらえますか?
Where do I go to pay for Road Tax? 自動車税(ロードタックス)は、どこで支払えばいいですか?
Where can I find relocated bicycles? 移動された自転車は、どこにありますか?
What do I need to retrieve a relocated bicycle? 移動された自転車を取り戻すには何が必要ですか?
4 Japanese Language Classes

4 日本語の勉強

Where can I study Japanese? どこで日本語の勉強ができますか?

1 Application, Registration, Certificates 申し込み・登録・証明書

 How do I get married in Yokosuka?

To get married under Japanese law, you must submit a Notification of Marriage to the municipal office of your current residence. If you live in Yokosuka, submit it to the Counter Service Division of Yokosuka City Hall. If you are marrying a Japanese national, you may also submit it to the office of their permanent registry.


Attach the following to the Notification of Marriage:

  • Affidavit of competency to legally marry from your country’s embassy or consulate in Japan with a Japanese translation (with the translator’s name included).
  • Certificate of nationality such as a passport (if not using a passport, a Japanese translation of the certificate with the translator’s name included is required).


  • 在日大使館・領事館発行の婚姻要件具備証明書と、その翻訳をした人の氏名を書いた日本語訳。
  • パスポートなど国籍を証明するもの(パスポートでないときは、その翻訳をした人の氏名を書いた日本語訳も必要です。

You may receive an explanation beforehand of the procedures and information about the necessary documents at the Counter Service Division.



 How do I get divorced in Yokosuka?

If having a divorce with a Japanese national, you must file for the divorce at the office of their permanent registry or the office of your current residence. The procedures for divorce between foreigners vary based on nationality. Please contact your country’s embassy for more details on the proceedings.


 Where do I get certificates related to the family registry?

The certificates related to the family registry such as birth, marriage, divorce, death, etc. can be requested for in-person at the Counter Service Division of City Hall, administration centers, or public service centers, and you must bring proof of identity with an I.D. photo (e.g. Residence Card). Each certificate copy will cost 300 yen.

出生、結婚、離婚、死亡などの戸籍(家族)の証明書は、横須賀市役所の窓口サービス課、行政センター、役所屋でもらえます。証明書は1枚300円です。顔写真付きの身分証明書(在留カードなど)を持ってきてください。 横須賀市に戸籍がない場合は、戸籍のある市区町村で手続きしてください。


 Where do I get the Certificate of Tax Payment?

You can apply for the Certificate of Tax Payment at the Counter Service Division of City Hall, administration centers, or public service centers. You must bring proof of identity with an I.D. photo (e.g. Residence Card). Each certificate copy will cost 300 yen.



 I am moving out. How do I stop my utility payments?

Water Services

You may request to stop water services with the following methods: 

  • Online Application https://www.city.yokosuka.kanagawa.jp/6731/g_info/l100050130.html (Japanese only)
  • Call the Customer Service Center of the Yokosuka City Waterworks and Sewerage Bureau (TEL 046-823-3232, 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.),
  • Visit the Customer Service Center located at the Chuo Public Service Center within Yokosuka More’s City 7F or the 8F Customer Service Center of City Hall.

Other Utilities

You must contact your service provider for other utilities such as electricity and gas.


  • インターネットの手続きhttps://www.city.yokosuka.kanagawa.jp/6731/g_info/l100050130.html (日本語のみ)
  • 上下水道局お客様料金サービスセンターへ電話(046-823-3232, 8時 - 21時)
  • 上下水道局お客様料金サービスセンターの窓口



 What should I do before moving-out of Yokosuka?

Moving to Another City / 他の市区町村へ引っ越すとき

Before moving, please report to the Counter Service Division of City Hall or administration centers of your move. Bring the “Certificate of Moving-out” issued by Yokosuka City, your Residence Card, and either your My Number Notification Card, or My Number Card to the municipal office of your new residence’s area for the moving-in paperwork.


Moving out of Japan / 海外へ引っ越すとき

Before moving, please report to the Counter Service Division of City Hall or administration centers of your move. Bring your Residence Card with you.



2 Disposing of Garbage and Recycling ごみの出し方・リサイクル

 How do I apply for the collection of oversized garbage?

Collection for oversized garbage can be applied for through this online application form. You will be charged a fee for each item. A bill will be sent to you by mail around the 15th of the following month. Please pay at locations such as the Accounting Division of City Hall, administration centers, public service centers, and designated banks.




 What is considered “oversized garbage?”

Oversized garbage refers to: furniture or other items measuring between 50cm and 2m, and electric appliances measuring 2m or less. Lighting equipment, clothes irons, coffee makers, or other electronic appliances that are under 30cm are also classified as oversized garbage.

*Air conditioners, televisions (CRT, LED, plasma), refrigerators / freezers, washing machines / dryers, computers, etc. are unable to be disposed of by the City. Please click here for more details or contact the Yokosuka Call Center 046-822-2500 for disposal methods.



 When and how do I take out the garbage?

Household garbage should be disposed of at your designated garbage collection site between 6:00 - 8:00 am on the designated day. Please separate your garbage accordingly. Garbage disposed of incorrectly will not be collected. For information on garbage separation and disposal, please see the “Garbage and Recyclables Collection Calendar” (with English) and “Disposal and Separation of Garbage and Recyclables” pamphlet (available in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, and Portuguese), which are available at the Resource Recycling Promotion Division of City Hall, administration centers, etc. They can be found here: https://www.city.yokosuka.kanagawa.jp/4105/kurashi/bunbetsupanfu.html



 Which day is group resource recycling day?

To confirm the days of collection and your collection site, please visit the following link.



 How do I dispose of household electric appliances?

Large household appliances such as air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators/freezers, and washing machines are collected by retail shops (fees are charged). You may also take the appliances to the Sahara Office of Azuma Sangyo for disposal. Pay for the fee beforehand at the Post Office and bring the voucher with you when taking your appliances for disposal.

  • Azuma Sangyo, Sahara Office
    4-404-18 Sahara, Yokosuka
    9:00 - 11:45 a.m. / 1:00 - 4:45 p.m. (Mon. - Fri.)
    9:00 - 11:45 a.m. / 1:00 - 2:45 p.m. (Sat.) 


  • (株)東産業・佐原事業所


3 Cars and Bikes 車・自転車

 Where do I apply for a temporary license plate? 

You can apply for a Temporary License Plate at the Counter Service Division of City Hall or at each administration center.

You will need: 次のものが必要です。

  • TITLE (motor vehicle inspection certificate) or Customs paper
  • Japanese Car COMPULSORY Insurance (JCI) *ORIGINAL
  • Photo I.D. (Military I.D., Driver’s license, passport, residence card, etc.)
  • Personal seal (or Signature)
  • ¥750 (cash only / 現金のみ)


 Where do I go to pay for Road Tax?

The Road Tax for motorcycles and mini cars (yellow plate) can be paid for at the 2F Municipal Tax Division of City Hall.
Standard vehicles (white plate) can be paid for at the Yokosuka Prefectural Tax Office (2-9-19 Hinode-cho, Yokosuka).



 Where can I find relocated bicycles? 

If you find a notification that your bike was collected by the City, you may be able to collect it at the bicycle storage area. There are three bicycle storage areas. Collected bicycles and motorcycles are relocated to different bicycle storage areas based on where they were collected.


  • If your bike was relocated from areas around Oppama Station and Keikyu Taura Station
    Natsushima-cho Storage Area (TEL 866-6282), 2 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka
  • あなたの自転車やバイクが、追浜駅周辺・京急田浦駅周辺で移動されたとき
    夏島町自転車等保管所 (電話866-6282)横須賀市夏島町2


  • If your bike was relocated from areas around Hemi Station, Yokosuka Station, Shioiri Station, Yokosuka-chuo Station, Kenritsudaigaku Station, Horinouchi Station, Keikyu Otsu Station, Shin-otsu Station, Maborikaigan Station, and Uraga Station
    Miharu Storage Area (TEL 822-9689), 2-1 Miharu-cho, Yokosuka
  • あなたの自転車やバイクが、逸見駅周辺・横須賀駅周辺・汐入駅周辺・横須賀中央駅周辺・県立大学駅周辺・堀ノ内駅周辺・京急大津駅周辺・新大津駅周辺・馬堀海岸駅周辺・浦賀駅周辺で移動されたとき
    三春町自転車等保管所 (電話822-9689)横須賀市三春町2-1



  • If your bike was relocated from areas around Kinugasa Station, Kitakurihama Station, Kurihama Station, YRP Nobi Station, Keikyu Nagasawa Station, Tsukuihama Station, and other locations
    Kugo-cho Storage Area (TEL 854-0435), 4-4 Kugo-cho, Yokosuka
  • あなたの自転車やバイクが、衣笠駅周辺・北久里浜駅周辺・久里浜駅周辺・YRP野比駅周辺・京急長沢駅周辺・津久井浜駅周辺や、その他の場所で、移動されたとき
    公郷町自転車等保管所 (電話854-0435)横須賀市公郷町4-4

・The storage area is open from Monday to Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
・Bicycles and motorcycles are stored for 2 months.


 What do I need to retrieve a relocated bicycle?

You will need your bicycle key, proof of identity, and your personal seal / signature.
As transportation fee, bicycles will cost 1,500 yen and motorcycles will cost 3,000 yen.



4 Japanese Conversation Classes  日本語の勉強

 Where can I study Japanese? 

Yokosuka International Association offers Japanese conversation classes for all levels, from basic to advanced.
